July 1, 2000 Interior Views

The library, with it's newly finished floor, and the chandelier from the old house.

Kitchen appliances. The exhaust hood is on its pallet in the foreground.

Cook top is in, (it looks like the guts from the hood are standing on top of it). Microwave and oven on the right. Cupboard doors are open in the middle of the picture (those shelves will not normally be "on display").

Island refrigerator (two crisper drawers) with the top drawer pulled out. Bottom drawer is *not* pulled out, showing how much further the unit needs to be pushed home.


Details: Kitchen appliances are running already (a refrigerator beeped at me for leaving the door open too long). Both refrigerators need to be leveled and finally seated, but the cook top, microwave, and oven are all in their final resting places.

Electricals also made a lot of progress. They found the receptacle for the chandelier in the library and hung it, and I was there to help them figure out what height to hang the foyer chandelier. Light switches and plates are going in.

Hardwood floors received their sanding and the first two coats of polyurethane.

The plumbers installed the bidet and the shower head for the master bath. From the basement it looks as if the the plumbing is still not completed because the refrigerators still need to be plumbed in, and I think these guys also need to install the propane line for the cook top.


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