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List of Figures

Fig 1: The intrepid explorers: blissfully ignorant of what is to come ........ v
Fig 2: Still ignorant, but beginning to get suspicious ........................... 1
Fig 3: Blazing the trail: just follow these signs for ten days ................... 2
Fig 4: Brambles and bracken ........................................................ 3
Fig 5: Rocks, trees, clouds. But then more rocks and more clouds .......... 4
Fig 6: Alf and Martha test-driving their ponchos ............................... 4
Fig 7: The four of us enjoy the views provided all day Saturday ............ 5
Fig 8: Claudia tries not to get bounced into the river ........................... 8
Fig 9: Looking back on the morning's work ..................................... 9
Fig 10: Sheep give us the hairy eyeball on the edge of Bocca di Stagnu .... 9
Fig 11: An attempt to capture the immense beauty on film ................... 10
Fig 12: The view into hell ............................................................. 11
Fig 13: The path. Notice head at the top—yes it is steep ....................... 12
Fig 14: Hey! I'm still in the lead! .................................................... 12
Fig 15: A blaze of color: a fitting epitaph .......................................... 13
Fig 16: The tea shop crowd .......................................................... 13
Fig 17: Club Med, trekking style ................................................... 13
Fig 18: The smooth-sided valley, complete with cloud-maker ................ 15
Fig 19: One more river to cross ..................................................... 16
Fig 20:Withering Heights ............................................................ 19
Fig 21: Sheep/hiker path cut through the peat .................................. 19
Fig 22: Lac de Nino ................................................................... 20
Fig 23: Island in the sky: Punta di l'Arinella pokes through the clouds ... 21
Fig 24: Deep-green lake about to be flooded by rising tide of cloud ........ 22
Fig 25: Yet another stream, but this one is the path............................ 23
Fig 26: The resulting disappointing print ......................................... 23
Fig 27: Two trees do not a forest make ............................................ 24
Fig 28: Ah! Forest. And mountain stream ........................................ 24
Fig 29: The end of the trail ........................................................... 26
Fig 30: Final mug shot of the mugs ................................................. 26


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